Power to the tenant

With Embrace's tools, you can provide personal support to your tenants in an easy, fast and efficient way.

400+ organizations work daily with Embrace Digital Services

Everything for tenants and landlords

in one central location

All information about your tenants at a glance

With Embrace's Omnichannel CRM, you give your employees a 360º customer view of your tenants. So everyone knows exactly what's going on and you can easily keep appointments. Always, on time.

A secure and multifunctional portal for your tenants

The customer portal is a protected part of your website where tenants log in. Here they can, among other things, contact us, consult personal information or arrange things themselves, such as a change of address.

Give tenants the opportunity to arrange things themselves

Use the many standard self-service scenarios available and configure them tailored to your organization and tenants.

The meeting place for relevant information for tenants and employees

Create your own FAQ and answer questions efficiently with automated messages that you can configure yourself. Everyone is up to date and you have time for more complex issues.

The convenience of Embrace always at hand

Are you able to communicate with your tenants and have access to relevant information anytime, anywhere? It's now possible with the user-friendly Embrace app!

Everything arranged quickly and neatly for new tenants

Give new tenants a warm welcome by arranging all (administrative) matters quickly and neatly. This gives the tenant confidence and you the certainty that you have not overlooked anything.

We have made an efficiency improvement in the use of the software. As a result, our processes run more efficiently, something that ultimately also indirectly benefits the tenant

Corinne Wagner
Business Advisor Computerization & Digitization Videos
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What others say

about Embrace Digital Services

Merkbaar meerwaarde leveren voor woningzoekenden met de digitale inkomensverklaring

Steeds vaker maken woningcorporaties gebruik van externe koppelingen om data buiten hun organisatie te gebruiken in hun eigen processen. De intrede van de digitale inkomensverklaring (DIV) is daar een mooi voorbeeld van. Wat betekent de komst van de DIV voor woonruimtebemiddeling en hoe reageren woningzoekenden hierop? Een interview met Maaskoepel.

SSH& maakt het de student gemakkelijker bij het vinden van een kamer

De Gelderse studentenhuisvester SSH& besloot om het anders aan te gaan vliegen bij het verdelen van hun woningen en kamers. Waar eerder een woonruimte aan studenten werd toegekend op basis van inschrijftijd, gebeurt dat nu op basis van loting. Zo’n grote verandering heeft natuurlijk nogal wat voeten in de aarde. Deze innovatieve stap naar een eerlijker woonruimteverdeelsysteem is bereikt met behulp van Embrace Housing.

GroenWest: "Klantcontact moet snel, deskundig én duidelijk zijn"

De mogelijkheden waarop huurders vragen kunnen stellen aan hun corporatie zijn de laatste jaren flink uitgebreid. Huurdersportalen, social media en chatbots zijn enkele voorbeelden van nieuwe technologieën die op het palet aan klant- communicatiemogelijkheden terecht zijn gekomen. Hoe ga je als corporatie om met al deze opties?

Centrada digitaliseert volledige klantreis

Online dienstverlening waar het kan en persoonlijk waar het nodig is. Met dat motto digitaliseerde woningcorporatie Centrada uit Lelystad dit jaar haar klantreis. Wat betekent een focus op online contact echter voor de bezoekers die liever telefonisch of fysiek contact hebben? Een gesprek met Ronald Gouwerok, Manager Vastgoed & Klantenservice bij de Lelystadse corporatie.

De klant aan de leiding door slimme oplossingen bij l'escaut woonservice

Je klanten meer de regie geven en je medewerkers ontzien. Het is een mooie stap en eentje die je steeds meer bedrijven ziet nemen. l’escaut woonservice had op dit vlak een duidelijke visie met een aantal mooie ontwikkelingen, waaronder een klantportaal. In dit artikel lees je hoe Embrace en l’escaut samen hebben gezorgd voor een eindproduct om trots op te zijn en wat de voordelen zijn voor de huurders van l’escaut.

Paula van Kraalingen (Wooncompagnie): Klant zich gehoord laten voelen sleutel voor goed klantcontact

Wooncompagnie focust op klantgerichte dienstverlening door huurders zelf hun communicatiemethode te laten kiezen en IT-ondersteuning te moderniseren. Met de implementatie van Embrace Customers worden selfserviceopties uitgebreid en klantprocessen geoptimaliseerd, wat bijdraagt aan efficiëntere communicatie en een verbeterde klantbeleving.

WhatsApp en chat maken klantcontact bij deltaWonen laagdrempelig en snel

Bij Woningcorporatie deltaWonen hebben ze klantvriendelijkheid hoog in het vaandel staan. Dat betekent dat er veel aandacht en zorg uit gaan naar bereikbaar zijn voor hun huurders en hen zo goed en snel mogelijk kunnen helpen. Daarom kozen zij ervoor om gebruik te gaan maken van twee extra klantcontactkanalen: WhatsApp en chat. Nu, ongeveer anderhalf jaar later, hoorden we Marjolein Horstman van deltaWonen uit over deze welkome uitbreiding van hun Embrace Customers.

Klantgerichte Innovatie: Domijn's Overgang Naar Embrace Customers

Bij woningcorporatie Domijn draait het om meer dan alleen het verhuren van huizen; ze willen hun huurders een echt thuis bieden. Om alles in goede banen te leiden heeft het innovatieve Domijn onlangs de overstap gemaakt van het oude Umbrella-systeem naar ons nieuwe Embrace Customers product. Dat gericht is op Omnichannel-integratie en efficiënter gebruik van modules zoals Telefonie, Webchat en E-mail. ‍

Check-up gives Woningstichting Nijkerk a new boost in the use and management of their software

WSN implemented Embrace Customers in 2018, with a new website and customer portal. After the basic design, further development declined. In 2021, they will evaluate and plan further improvements, with the help of Embrace check-up consultants.

You can achieve the best service with a combination of digital services and personal contact

Digitization offers opportunities for more efficient services, while maintaining attention for tenants. Advisor Anja van Burgsteden and Knowledge Editor Inge Jongkind share their insights about this in a conversation.

Eighty percent of future tenants now sign the contract digitally

Housing corporation Lefier from Groningen and Drenthe is tackling the onboarding process of tenants in the Digital Welcoming project. What was the reason and what is the result? CorporatieGids Magazine spoke to Annette Mulder about it!

NMG Vastgoed embraces Embrace

First, NMG chose Embrace's digital services to optimize internal processes. Later, it turned out that clients also benefit optimally from it.

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What is a customer portal?

A customer portal is a separate online environment for your customers, which they must log in to use it. So other people can't just get to this. This way, your customers can contact your organization in a safe way, consult personal information or arrange certain things themselves, such as changing an address or tracking an order.

Why a customer portal?

Thanks to a customer portal, your (online) service is not only more customer-friendly, but also more efficient. Your customers can easily and quickly arrange things themselves, so there is less pressure on your customer contact center. In turn, these employees have more time for more complex customer questions. So by smartly combining relevant information, conversational AI such as chatbots and virtual assistants, self-service and, of course, your kcc, you are always available to your customers. In short: a customer portal ensures a better customer journey and customer experience.

What does omnichannel mean?

Omnichannel means that you can serve your customers via different contact channels and they have the same customer experience, no matter what channel they use to contact. So it doesn't matter to your customers whether they contact your organization via WhatsApp or email, for example; they receive the same information and the same service everywhere.

What's the difference between omnichannel and multichannel?

The difference lies in putting the customer first. You speak of multichannel when the customer can use different channels to get in touch with your organization. It only becomes omnichannel when these channels are aligned, with the focus on the customer experience. Consider, for example, a store that also has a webshop.

Are the prices in the webshop different than in the store? Then the channels are not coordinated and it is therefore multichannel. In addition, the frustration that different prices cause the customer detracts from the experience. When the prices in the webshop and the store are the same, the channels are coordinated and the customer has the same experience everywhere. So he knows what to count on, which improves the customer experience.

Which companies use omnichannel?

The list of companies that use omnichannel is countless and is still growing. The trick is to make all channels, including mobile, website and physical location (such as a store), connect so seamlessly that customers can travel their customer journey with ease and pleasure. For example, IKEA shoppers can quickly turn their wish list of favorite items into a shopping list, complete with information where they can pick them up in the store. With a large number of products, they can also see how they fit into their home thanks to VR technology.

Or how about Disney, also known as “the omnichannel champion”? Not only does the trip planner on their website also work well on mobile, but with My Disney Experience, you can even plan your entire visit from start to finish. Once there, you can use their mobile app to see where, for example, the various attractions are, including current waiting times. Disney even has a special chip bracelet, the Magic Band, that keeps track of your tickets, hotel room keys, and even your park purchases. As a visitor to the park, you will be relieved of your worries as much as possible, so that you can enjoy yourself carefree.

What is the big advantage of omnichannel?

Omnichannel increases customer satisfaction. Your customers can decide how to contact your organization and thus use the channel they prefer. With omnichannel, you also ensure that your customers always have the same experience, no matter what channel they use. By working omnichannel, you are not only more visible as an organization, but you also create more trust among your (potential) customers through the uniform customer experience.

What is online collaboration?

When working together online, things like communication, knowledge sharing and news exchange take place via a digital environment or an app. This includes chatting and calling your colleagues via Teams, working with your team in the same files via Sharepoint at the same time, and staying up to date with the latest news via your organization's social intranet.