Accessibility (WCAG)


Embrace strives to make its products as accessible as possible. We ourselves have had several WCAG audits carried out by the Accessibility Foundation and worked with them to make Embrace Workspace increasingly comply with the guidelines. Based on that collaboration, we added a high-contrast theme and keyboard navigation to our product, among other things.

However, Embrace is only partly responsible for the accessibility of its products. For example, it's up to our customers to make sure that their editors use the right headlines in their content pages and that their corporate colors don't interfere with the contrast guidelines. In addition, Embrace Workspace is a platform with user-generated content, over which control is of course limited.

Since government agencies are obliged to draw up an accessibility statement, we are happy to help. To support this, we have made this statement. This statement is based on the results of audits on various Embrace environments:

  • In 2019, we had audits carried out by the Accessibility Foundation on an environment with a knowledge connector that we set up.
  • An audit carried out by Cardan Technobility on the environment of a government customer in June 2020.

To request the statement, a link must be provided with the research results. For this, the link can used.

In addition to the information, a research report is also available. This research report is based on the various audits that took place in 2019-2021 and provides an overview of Embrace Workspace, starting with version R52.

WCAG 2.1 Audit Embrace Workspace 1.3.1.pdf

Please note: if you want to have an audit carried out on your own Embrace intranet yourself, always do so in consultation with us. To do this, please contact our support colleagues.

Deviations from the Embrace Social R40 accessibility standard

Below is an overview of the deviations from the Embrace Social R40 accessibility standard. We will provide this list with updates. When R41 is released, an updated version of the list below follows. The schedule below is indicative. No obligations can be derived from the planning.

1. SC 1.3.1: Info and relationships (Level A)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    In the telephone directory, in the knowledge connector and in institutions, texts are visually formatted as a headline, but this has not been done in the code.
  • Cause:
    When implementing the design, no HTML header element was used.
  • Consequence:
    This can have an impact on how reading software presents the page to users.
  • Alternative:
    There is no alternative available.
  • Measure:
    The headings are changed to an HTML header in the code.
  • Planning:
    Fixed in R41, available from September 28, 2020.

2. SC 1.3.5: Identify the purpose of the input (Level AA)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    The function field on the profile edit page has an autocomplete function from Embrace. This feature is not compatible with the autocomplete feature proposed by the WCAG.
  • Cause:
    It is a different field with autocomplete/suggestions for better profiles' findability.
  • Consequence:
    The function field cannot be filled in using the autocomplete function proposed by the WCAG.
  • Alternative:
    The data in the mentioned profile field is often filled by means of a profile synchronization, so that users cannot change this field themselves. In these cases, the data is not managed in Embrace but in another, external source.
  • Measure:
  • Planning:

3. SC 1.4.11: Contrast of Non-Text Content (Level AA)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    The contrast of the focus on toggle button in the profile edit page is not sufficient when it is deactivated. This button is used in the absence assistant and working hours sections.
  • Cause:
    The color of this toggle in the high-contrast theme is the same as the regular theme.
  • Consequence:
    Decreased readability.
  • Alternative:
    There is no alternative available.
  • Measure:
    The element's contrast is increased for users who have activated the high-contrast theme.
  • Planning:
    Fixed in R41, available from September 28, 2020.

4. SC 1.4.13: Hover or Focus Content (Level AA)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    Items of the main menu, when the mouse is on them, should be closed without moving the mouse or keyboard focus. For example, using the 'escape button'.
  • Cause:
    This was not taken into account when developing the menu.
  • Consequence:
    Main menu items can only be closed by moving the mouse or keyboard focus.
  • Alternative:
    There is no alternative.
  • Measure:
    Using the “escape button”, the menu should be able to be closed.
  • Planning:
    Fixed in R41, available from September 28, 2020.

5. SC 2.1.4: Single character shortcuts (Level A)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    Videos from the YouTube widget in the sidebar can be paused or muted with buttons. This can be a problem for users who use voice software.
  • Cause:
    The parameter “disablekb=1” is not used.
  • Consequence:
    Users with voice software may experience problems playing videos in the sidebar.
  • Alternative:
    Instead of the sidebar widget, you can choose to include a link to the YouTube website.
  • Measure:
    Currently, it is not known how or if this can be solved as the widget uses YouTube APIs.
  • Planning:
    The impact and (im) possibilities are being investigated.

6. SC 2.4.4: Link target (in context) (level A)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    The images in the calendar overview have a link, but it is unclear what this link refers to
  • Cause:
    A link title or alt text is missing.
  • Consequence:
    Users with voice software don't know where the link points to
  • Alternative:
    There is no alternative
  • Measure:
    We add a link title or alt text to the image
  • Planning:
    Fixed in R41, available from September 28, 2020.

7. SC 3.3.2: Labels or Instructions (Level A)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    The search fields in the windows that expand from the left menu have no label.
  • Cause:
    The design of the left menu does not include a label.
  • Consequence:
    There is no label available, only placeholder text.
  • Alternative:
    There is no alternative available.
  • Measure:
    A hidden tag is added.
  • Planning:
    Resolved in R42 at the latest, available from November 23, 2020.
  • Description of the anomaly:
    The search field on the knowledge connector overview page has no label.
  • Cause:
    The design of this page does not include a label.
  • Consequence:
    There is no label available, only placeholder text.
  • Alternative:
    There is no alternative available.
  • Measure:
    A hidden tag is added.
  • Planning:
    Resolved in R42 at the latest, available from November 23, 2020.
  • Description of the anomaly:
    The date input fields for “Date of Birth” and “In Service Since” have no clear labels.
  • Cause:
    The labels are not descriptive/clear enough.
  • Consequence:
    Users may try to enter dates in the wrong date format.
  • Alternative:
    There is no alternative available.
  • Measure:
    The labels are being changed/improved.
  • Planning:
    Resolved in R42 at the latest, available from November 23, 2020.

8. SC 3.3.3: Error Suggestion (Level AA)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    If a date is entered incorrectly, no suggestion of the date will appear in the correct format.
  • Cause:
    The error message is too general.
  • Consequence:
    Users may have to make several attempts before entering the date in the correct format.
  • Alternative:
    There is no alternative available.
  • Measure:
    The error message is being improved/clarified.
  • Planning:
    Resolved in R42 at the latest, available from November 23, 2020.

9. SC 4.1.2: Name, Role, Value (Level A)

  • Description of the anomaly: When a manager is chosen, a photo with additional information and a delete button appears. This button does not have the right role.
  • Cause:
    During the development of this page, the correct role was not added to the delete button.
  • Consequence:
    The delete button is not recognized by reading software in the same way as a button. However, the action, delete, can be performed.
  • Alternative:
    Using the profile editor, this default profile field can be disabled. This field can also be set to “read only” and the data could be filled via a profile synchronization.
  • Measure:
    The delete button gets the right role.
  • Planning:
    Fixed in R41, available from September 28, 2020.
  • Description of the anomaly:
    The “previous” and “next” buttons in the widget library do not have the correct role.
  • Cause:
    During development, the correct role was not added to these two buttons.
  • Consequence:
    The “previous” and “next” buttons are not recognized as buttons. However, users can navigate to the other widgets.
  • Alternative:
    There is no alternative available
  • Measure:
    The “previous” and “next” buttons in the widget library are given the correct role.
  • Planning:
    Fixed in R41, available from September 28, 2020.

10. SC 4.1.3: Status messages (Level AA)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    On the “Edit Profile” page, there is a form where a status change can occur due to error messages. It now has' aria-live=polite 'as attribute, which must be changed to 'aria-live=assertive'.
  • Cause:
    The correct aria-live attribute was not implemented during development.
  • Consequence:
    The status change is not recognized as an error message by reading software.
  • Alternative:
    There is no alternative available.
  • Measure:
    The correct aria-live attribute is being implemented.
  • Planning:
    Fixed in R41, available from September 28, 2020.

Deviations from the Embrace Social R41 accessibility standard

Below is an overview of the deviations from the Embrace Social R41 accessibility standard. We will provide this list with updates. When R42 is released, an updated version of the list below follows. The schedule below is indicative. No obligations can be derived from the planning.

1. SC 1.3.5: Identify the purpose of the input (Level AA)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    The function field on the profile edit page has an autocomplete function from Embrace. This feature is not compatible with the autocomplete feature proposed by the WCAG.
  • Cause:
    It is a different field with autocomplete/suggestions for better profiles' findability.
  • Consequence:
    The function field cannot be filled in using the autocomplete function proposed by the WCAG.
  • Alternative:
    The data in the mentioned profile field is often filled by means of a profile synchronization, so that users cannot change this field themselves. In these cases, the data is not managed in Embrace but in another, external source.
  • Measure:
  • Planning:

2. SC 2.1.4: Single character shortcuts (Level A)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    Videos from the YouTube widget in the sidebar can be paused or muted with buttons. This can be a problem for users who use voice software.
  • Cause:
    The parameter “disablekb=1” is not used.
  • Consequence:
    Users with voice software may experience problems playing videos in the sidebar.
  • Alternative:
    Instead of the sidebar widget, you can choose to include a link to the YouTube website.
  • Measure:
    Currently, it is not known how or if this can be solved as the widget uses YouTube APIs.
  • Planning:
    Fixed in R42, available from November 23, 2020.

7. SC 3.3.2: Labels or Instructions (Level A)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    The search fields in the windows that expand from the left menu have no label.
  • Cause:
    The design of the left menu does not include a label.
  • Consequence:
    There is no label available, only placeholder text.
  • Alternative:
    There is no alternative available.
  • Measure:
    A hidden tag is added.
  • Planning:
    Fixed in R42, available from November 23, 2020.

  • Description of the anomaly:
    The search field on the knowledge connector overview page has no label.
  • Cause:
    The design of this page does not include a label.
  • Consequence:
    There is no label available, only placeholder text.
  • Alternative:
    There is no alternative available.
  • Measure:
    A hidden tag is added.
  • Planning:
    Fixed in R42, available from November 23, 2020.

  • Description of the anomaly:
    The date input fields for “Date of Birth” and “In Service Since” have no clear labels.
  • Cause:
    The labels are not descriptive/clear enough.
  • Consequence:
    Users may try to enter dates in the wrong date format.
  • Alternative:
    There is no alternative available.
  • Measure:
    The labels are being changed/improved.
  • Planning:
    Fixed in R42, available from November 23, 2020.

8. SC 3.3.3: Error Suggestion (Level AA)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    If a date is entered incorrectly, no suggestion of the date will appear in the correct format.
  • Cause:
    The error message is too general.
  • Consequence:
    Users may have to make several attempts before entering the date in the correct format.
  • Alternative:
    There is no alternative available.
  • Measure:
    The error message is being improved/clarified.
  • Planning:
    Fixed in R42, available from November 23, 2020.

Deviations from the Embrace Social R42 accessibility standard and higher

Below is an overview of the deviations from the Embrace Social R42 accessibility standard. We will provide this list with updates. When releasing newer versions, it follows none automatically updated version of the list below. This unless audits carried out by customers raise issues; we will follow up with an update.

The last outstanding item will not be addressed. See also the explanation for the relevant item.

1. SC 1.1.1: Non-text content (Level A)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    Images in Umbraco image galleries are not clearly described in terms of text
  • Cause:
    Alt text field is empty
  • Consequence:
    Users with voice software don't know what's in the image.
  • Alternative:
  • Measure:
    Alt field must be automatically filled with the image name. This name can be modified in Umbraco and made descriptive
  • Planning:
    This has been fixed in R52 (available since June 6, 2022)
  • Description of the anomaly:
    Arrow navigation on the Umbraco image galleries are not textually defined
  • Cause:
    There are no aria-labels on these buttons
  • Consequence:
    Users with voice software don't know what these buttons do
  • Alternative:
  • Measure:
    Added ARIA labels on the buttons with “Previous”/“Next” labels
  • Planning:
    This has been fixed in R52 (available since June 6, 2022)
  • Description of the anomaly:
    Navigation arrows when pagination on content pages, such as having the news feed, are not textually defined
  • Cause:
    There are no aria-labels on these buttons
  • Consequence:
    Users with voice software don't know what these buttons do
  • Alternative:
  • Measure:
    Added ARIA labels on the buttons with “Previous”/“Next” labels
  • Planning:
    This has been fixed in R52 (available since June 6, 2022)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    The accordion functionality on frequently asked questions does not have a description that explains whether an answer is folded or expanded
  • Cause:
    There are no attributes on the button to expand and expand
  • Consequence:
    Voice software users don't know the state of an accordion field (folded or expanded)
  • Alternative:
  • Measure:
    Attribute added
  • Planning:
    This has been fixed in R52 (available since June 6, 2022)
  • Description of the anomaly:
    When the “Colleagues” menu item is activated, an overview of colleagues appears, including the login status by means of round, colored dots. These dots do not have a text alternative.
  • Cause:
    Attribute missing
  • Consequence:
    Users with voice software don't know if a colleague is online, offline, or away
  • Alternative:
  • Measure:
    Tooltip added with clear description
  • Planning:
    This has been fixed in R51 (available since April 11, 2022)
  • Description of the anomaly:
    Mobile: No textual description of the + icon on the timeline to add a message
  • Cause:
    Missing text alternative
  • Consequence:
    Users with voice software don't know what this button does
  • Alternative:
  • Measure:
    Attribute added
  • Planning:
    This has been fixed in R51 (available since April 11, 2022)

2. SC 1.3.1: Info and relationships (Level A)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    Umbraco pages can be shared if this option is activated. After activating the share button, a lightbox with a form appears. At the top is the white text “Share”, but it is not recognized as a headline.
  • Cause:
    Missing headline tags on the title
  • Consequence:
    Title cannot be recognized as a title by users with voice software
  • Alternative:
  • Measure:
    Title tagged correctly
  • Planning:
    This has been fixed in R51 (available since April 11, 2022)

3. SC 1.3.5: Identify the purpose of the input (Level AA)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    The function field on the profile edit page has an autocomplete function from Embrace. This feature is not compatible with the autocomplete feature proposed by the WCAG.
  • Cause:
    It is a different field with autocomplete/suggestions for better profiles' findability.
  • Consequence:
    The function field cannot be filled in using the autocomplete function proposed by the WCAG.
  • Alternative:
    The data in the mentioned profile field is often filled by means of a profile synchronization, so that users cannot change this field themselves. In these cases, the data is not managed in Embrace but in another, external source.
  • Measure:
  • Planning:

4. SC 2.4.4: Link target (in context) (Level A)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    After an automatic refresh of the news block on the homepage, all link texts were replaced by generic text.
  • Cause:
    This is a bug in the auto-refresh news functionality
  • Consequence:
    Users with voice software don't know what the links are pointing to
  • Alternative:
  • Measure:
    Fixed a bug that causes the news title to be used as a link title even after refreshing
  • Planning:
    This has been fixed in R52 (available since June 6, 2022).
  • Description of the anomaly:
    For longer messages in the timeline, there is a “Read more” link. Because these links do not automatically have context with the above content, the link purpose of all these links is the same.
  • Cause:
    Never before appeared in various audits
  • Consequence:
    Each link that has a different destination must have a unique link goal to succeed in this success criterion
  • Alternative:
  • Measure:
    Each read-more link gets a link target that points to the individual message
  • Planning:
    This has been fixed in R51 (available since April 11, 2022)
  • Description of the anomaly:
    The plus sign for adding a widget to the home page has no link purpose.
  • Cause:
    A title or aria label is missing
  • Consequence:
    Users with voice software don't know where the link points to
  • Alternative:
  • Measure:
    We add an aria label “Add Widgets”
  • Planning:
    This has been fixed in R52 (available since June 6, 2022).

5. SC 3.3.1: Fault Identification (Level A)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    CMS pages on the intranet can be shared with a button at the top right of the title. The subform appears in a lightbox. When the user tries to share the message without a message, an error message appears. This is because the message is mandatory, but the error message does not show that.
  • Cause:
    Report is incomplete
  • Consequence:
    It is unclear why the task cannot be completed
  • Alternative:
  • Measure:
    Edit notification text
  • Planning:
    This has been fixed in R51 (available since April 11, 2022).

6. SC 4.1.2: Name, Role, Value (Level A)

  • Description of the anomaly:
    When a message is placed on the timeline in the mobile view, a cross icon appears at the top left to close the composer. This icon has no text alternative
  • Consequence:
    Users with voice software don't know what the icon does
  • Alternative:
  • Measure:
    Add “Close” title attribute to the icon
  • Planning:
    This has been fixed in R52 (available since June 6, 2022).