Personaliseer je dashboard

Richt de startpagina van het social intranet naar eigen voorkeur in door widgets toe te voegen. Een widget is een mini-applicatie die snel toegang geeft tot belangrijke informatie.

Standard widgets


Met het applicaties en snelkoppelingen dashboard navigeert gebruiker snel (via SSO) naar zijn belangrijkste apps


Digital notepad where you can store your personal notes.

Social Media
Social Media

Follow your favorite Twitter accounts or hashtags. In any case, follow your organization's account. This way, everyone stays up to date.

People online
People online

You'll see a profile picture of each person and have quick access to their profile and contact details. You can also see which people are currently online.

Questions asked
Questions asked

Choose which groups you want to see the questions from, categorize them by answered or unanswered, and specify how many questions to show.

Out Of Office
Out Of Office

Shows which people are currently absent.

Profile status
Profile status

Show a percentage of how completely you filled out your profile. A handy reminder when you're new to this intranet.

RSS & news sites
RSS & news sites

Easily follow all the news sites and RSS channels that matter to you.


Here you can find highlighted group information.

Recent changes
Recent changes

Keep track of the status of documents and pages and show new documents, pages and/or people.


Shows at a glance all people who have a birthday soon or who have just had a birthday.

Group member
Group member

An overview of groups you're a member of.


With the “Welcome to” widget, you can quickly get new people around.


Never miss this special milestone again! The overview shows the person and how long they have been employed.


As an administrator, you can set up the banner widget with an image, title, and link to highlight specific information.


Always have your frequently used files quickly at hand. Group administrators can do the same for their group.


Geef aan van welke locatie je de weersvoorspelling wilt zien en deze widget toont je de verwachtingen voor de komende dagen.


Op je startpagina kun je Pages laten tonen van álle groepen waarvan je lid bent of juist een specifieke groep.

Group agenda
Group agenda

Handy overview of all appointments and/or events in the group calendar

Popular posts
Popular posts

Shows the most popular posts from all groups you're a member of on your home page. Within groups, the widget does this for the most popular posts in that group.

Popular groups
Popular groups

What are the most popular groups? Based on messages and responses or on the number of members.


Links to the organization's latest news reports.


Toon een overzicht van recente polls in een groep


Laat collega’s snel QR-codes scannen en link daarmee door naar andere plekken binnen of buiten het social intranet


Toon YouTube, Vimeo, SlideShare en Microsoft Stream videos

Digitale rondleiding
Digitale rondleiding

Maak zelf een interactieve rondleiding door de functionaliteiten van jullie Social platform!


Kom je er even niet uit? Gebruikers kunnen vanuit hier snel interactieve handleidingen van Embrace Social raadplegen


Add your own favorite links. You are the only one who sees these links. Group administrators can do the same for their group.

Additional widgets

Topdesk Notifications
Topdesk Notifications

Shows your personal TOPdesk notifications and major notifications from the organization.


Open the application you need with one click.


Always have relevant and up-to-date work instructions, protocols and training materials

Ons Nedap
Ons Nedap

Met Ons Nedap widgets zie je direct jouw persoonlijke agenda en zorgtaken.


Toon jouw persoonlijke Ultimo-meldingen en major-meldingen vanuit de organisatie.


Voeg de HelloID-widget toe aan je persoonlijke dashboard en open met één klik de applicatie die je nodig hebt.


Integreer zorgprotocollen vanuit Vilans direct in je social intranet.


Toon jouw persoonlijke taken vanuit AFAS. Toon daarnaast vacatures in een aparte widget.


Integreer met Raet YouForce en toon automatisch vacatures met Visma EasyCruit.


Toon automatisch vacatures met de Visma EasyCruit, Bullhorn Connexys, Yellow Yard en Hireserve integraties


Doorzoek externe overheidsbronnen vanuit MY-LEX direct in de Embrace zoekmachine.


Integreer de facility management software van Facilitor in Social. Embrace ❤️ Aareon!


Taken vanuit KCC-software Customers kunnen direct getoond en toegewezen worden aan gebruikers in Social


Toon unieke dashboards, bijvoorbeeld met nieuws, vacatures of KPI's, ook op schermen op locatie


Integreer klantvragen, taken en zaken vanuit zaaksysteem Visma/Roxit Rx. Enterprise in Embrace! Gebruik je een ander zaaksysteem? Neem dan contact met ons op!


Koppel onze Microsoft PowerBI analytics module of integreer analytics tools Google Analytics, Matomo of SiteImprove

Microsoft 365 integrations

Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365

Display your Microsoft Outlook calendar, latest emails, and to-do list right on your personal home page.

Microsoft 365 Calendar
Microsoft 365 Calendar

All your appointments from your Outlook calendar right on your home page. So you know exactly what the day brings you.

Microsoft 365 Email
Microsoft 365 Email

See your most recent email messages — including new ones — right away without having to open your mail.

Outlook To Do
Outlook To Do

Your to-do list is always there for you, so you can start your working day right away.


Show the Teams channels you're a member of on your home page.


Toon relevante statistieken, KPI’s en andere data vanuit PowerBI direct in Embrace Social


Toon naast MP4, YouTube, SlideShare en Vimeo, ook direct Microsoft Stream video.

Office Online
Office Online

Bewerk met de WOPI-integratie direct Word, PowerPoint en Excel bestanden vanuit Social.


Toont formulieren vanuit Microsoft Forms op de persoonlijke startpagina van medewerkers.


Koppel SharePoint documenten aan Social groepen en verbind en bewerk ze direct met de Office Online integratie.


Toon documenten vanuit OneDrive direct in de documenten module in Social


Host documenten met Azure Blobstorage en breng PowerBI data naar andere systemen met Azure Synapse

Entra ID
Entra ID

Log in bij Social met je Microsoft account en beweeg met single-sign-on (SSO) naar andere applicaties

This is how the Duo organizations made their social intranet the central point of collaboration

The Duo+ implementation organization serves the municipalities of Ouder-Amstel, Diemen and Uithoorn, which employ 1,000 employees. For effective collaboration after the establishment, local intranets had to be brought together into one central system.

Good internal communication is essential for new initiatives, projects and better collaboration

Internal communication among housing associations is crucial but often underexposed. Advisor Froukje Nigten and Vidomes employee Melissa Vroege share their insights about effective internal communication, the role of a social intranet and the benefits of being connected within the organization.

This is how SAKs made their social intranet a raging success.

SaKS scores well in Evolve's research into internal use of social media. They are fifth overall and third in raising awareness of the business strategy. This rewards six years of effort by Rodney Bieman, Rob Boekelaar and Elly Spanjaard, who are proud of the success of their social intranet Sam.

For example, Embrace's Liquit integration makes work easier

The Municipality of Montferland wants to get rid of long lists of application icons and the search for relevant apps. Solution: Integrate Liquit with Embrace's social intranet. Hans Volbeda explains.

How Upstream smartly uses an anniversary to gain more insight into the use of their social intranet

Upstream, with several social workshops in Maassluis, Vlaardingen and Schiedam, supports people with a distance from the labor market. With 400 officials at 7 locations, connection is crucial. Cheri Kloeth and Semra Karaca share how they improved the social intranet at its one-year anniversary.

How an intranet connects healthcare organization Waardeburgh in times of crisis

Waardeburgh (formerly Present) has residential care centers at five locations, provides home care and rents apartments. Of the approximately 600 employees, around 90 percent are healthcare providers. The rest are in the office, in the kitchen or cleaning. The purpose of the new social intranet: Connection. Did it come? And what else did the intranet provide?

Social intranet for more job satisfaction and better care; HVO-Querido makes it happen

Iedereen beschikt over relevante input op het gebied van kennis, ideeën en ervaring. Input waarmee je, als je die met elkaar deelt, slimmer kunt worden. Als persoon én als organisatie. Precies de reden dat de Amsterdamse zorgorganisatie HVO-Querido koos voor een social intranet van Embrace.

Healthcare organization Thebes saves time and irritation by making documents easy to search

The inability or difficulty in finding the right information and documents was high on the list of annoyances among Thebes employees. Colleagues work in many different locations and want to have access to essential information quickly. Now, Thebes works with Embrace's Knowledgebase. Quite an improvement!

A digital workplace with SSO and access to external applications: ZuidOostZorg leads the way

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Frequently Asked


Is your question not listed?
Feel free to contact us!

How does the widget library increase the user experience and efficiency of the social intranet?

Widgets add specific functionality to your website without having to develop it from scratch. For example, a calendar widget, a weather widget, or the Microsoft 365 widgets can enhance the functionality of your website. Widgets also make it easier for users to perform certain tasks and increase the usability of your social intranet. This creates more interaction and engagement. In short, the widget library offers a better user experience and more efficient work.

Why do I need a social intranet?

With a social intranet, you create a place where you can stimulate employee engagement with your organization, increase awareness of the business strategy, promote knowledge sharing and collaboration, and disseminate work instructions. For example, a social intranet increases the connection of your colleagues with each other and the organization and contributes to transparent (er) internal communication.