Infographic — Measuring is knowing: using a social intranet

Learn how Embrace Intranet is being used by organizations in your industry

How is the social intranet used?

In this infographic, you can read all the ins and outs of using the intranet. Which day is best to post? Which features are most popular? How do you measure usage? And what do those numbers say next? Step into the world of data and discover how the social intranet is used. What research methods can be used to measure usage? Learn from S5 Agency World, Smallingerland Municipality, Accolade Housing Corporation and Asylum Seekers Health Center.

This free infographic includes insight into:

  • The average number of users per industry;
  • On which days the intranet will be used;
  • How active people are on the intranet;
  • Research methods that can be used;
  • Top 10 social intranet names;
  • Differences between usage by sector (healthcare, business, local government and housing associations).

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