Reach intranet goals in 5 easy steps

You want to implement an intranet but need tools to convince others. Thanks to our free e-book, you can do that just like that.

Whether you already have an intranet and you're focused on achieving goals, or whether others still need to be convinced of implementation, this e-Book is the key to success.

The success of an intranet depends on its use. If the intranet meets the needs of the entire organization - from the management to the various departments and employees - the use will automatically increase. In addition, managers will attach more importance to the success of the intranet when it seamlessly aligns with business plans. This results in more support for intranet initiatives and increases the chances of a successful implementation. With broad acceptance within the organization, you significantly increase the chances of success.

Once you've completed the following five steps, you'll immediately have a good intranet business case and an intranet strategy you're talking to:

Follow the 5 steps for an intranet strategy and business case

  • Step 1: Identify the basic benefits of an intranet for your organization and learn immediately which functionalities support those benefits.
  • Step 2: Examine user data from the current intranet Learn how to conduct a top task survey.
  • Step 3: Investigate which primary business processes can be improved by the intranet. How to do that is described in detail.
  • Step 4: Set up KPIs to measure intranet goals. We provide examples and tools on how to set up good KPIs.
  • Step 5: Based on previous steps, write your intranet strategy. An easy-to-fill template is included.

Download het gratis E-book

Anderen overtuigen van het implementeren van een intranet of je doelen behalen van een intranet dat al live is? Download hier eenvoudig, snel en helemaal gratis het E-book. Zo zet jij échte stappen naar een effectief intranet dat het verschil maakt.

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