The intranet transition guide

The 5 steps to confidently switch to a new intranet

In this e-book, you'll discover the answers to questions such as:

  • The 5 steps to confidently switch to a new intranet
  • What information you should definitely take with you from your old intranet
  • How to make sure users get what they need
  • How to prepare the organization for a new intranet
  • What tips you can use to increase adoption
  • And much more!

Switching from your old intranet to a new social intranet isn't something you do in between. Maybe you've been using your intranet for years, and you know it like the back of your hand. Then it is not easy. So how does a switch to a new intranet work? We'll explain it to you in 5 steps in this guide

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