Social works: The impact of the digital workplace

7 practical examples of how to use the social intranet for more knowledge sharing and communication

In this e-book, you'll discover the answers to questions such as:

  • How the social platform or digital workplace can really contribute to daily work
  • What a social platform delivers
  • How a social platform contributes to knowledge management and connects people, knowledge and ideas
  • What social change goals can help you achieve

In addition to important insights into the future of social, the book also offers many practical tips. Professionals who have successfully implemented a social intranet share their successes and challenges with you.

  • How can social intranet help achieve a cultural change?
  • How can a social platform contribute to daily work?
  • How do you create support for change with social?
  • How do municipalities successfully use the social intranet?
  • How can organizations improve their services with the social intranet?
  • How can social intranet connect knowledge and experience in an organization?
  • How can social intranet promote knowledge management?

Download het gratis E-book

Anderen overtuigen van het implementeren van een intranet of je doelen behalen van een intranet dat al live is? Download hier eenvoudig, snel en helemaal gratis het E-book. Zo zet jij échte stappen naar een effectief intranet dat het verschil maakt.

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