Social intranet for government professionals

Facilitate network collaboration with a social intranet

In this e-book, you'll discover the answers to questions such as:

  • How a collaborative platform facilitates knowledge sharing and network collaboration
  • How Embrace is being used within municipalities
  • What the added value of a collaboration platform for employees is
  • How the cooperation platform can help with a municipal reclassification
  • How other municipalities have implemented a collaborative platform
  • Why a collaborative platform connects people

Want to collaborate easily with fellow municipalities, healthcare institutions, residents and/or companies?

Connecting employees with knowledge, insights and each other? Or gain insight into expertise within the organization?

Want to collaborate easily with fellow municipalities, healthcare institutions, residents and/or companies?

The e-book “A social intranet for government professionals” tells you more about a collaborative platform at municipalities through customer cases, background articles and data about how a collaboration platform is used in practice. Read more about how the Municipality of Rotterdam has tackled the implementation, how the Municipality of Nijmegen has been transformed from an official organization to a network organization and how the Municipality of Smallingerland's cooperation platform leads to a connection.

Download het gratis E-book

Anderen overtuigen van het implementeren van een intranet of je doelen behalen van een intranet dat al live is? Download hier eenvoudig, snel en helemaal gratis het E-book. Zo zet jij échte stappen naar een effectief intranet dat het verschil maakt.

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